New Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community
I believe government can be efficient and responsible. In a changing and complex world, we need forward thinking leadership to address current and future needs. In a democracy, WE are the government, and we must all be engaged to ensure that it works for the people.
I am dedicated to supporting legislation that would include more effective and responsible government, access to affordable health care, a positive policy for entrepreneurship and business development while maintaining the distinct character of our towns, reducing the tax burden on the working and middle classes while closing loopholes for the wealthy, improving education to better represent the world of the 21st century, strengthening services available for mental health treatment and drug abuse treatment, and promoting common sense legislation for gun violence prevention.
I will take the time to listen to others with differing beliefs and viewpoints to build solutions to the challenges we face. It is time to return this country to decency, mutual respect, and a concern for every neighbor's needs. I will always place people over party and represent all constituents in the 32nd District fairly and equitably. We can wait no longer! The time for change is now!
- Jeff